Access available datasets in the Key Indicators Database using the RESTful application programming interface (API) based on the Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) standard in XML, CSV, and JSON formats. With the latest API version 3.0 release, users can now query multiple indicators and paginate results. The API endpoints and examples shown below illustrate how users can call the API to retrieve datasets and metadata.

To protect the ADB network and ensure a responsive experience for all users, API rate limiting was introduced to the KIDB API in January 2025. Users are restricted to a maximum of 30 queries per minute. Exceeding this limit will result in a temporary block.

Basic query structure

To create an SDMX query, a list of keys and parameters must be supplied in an URL in the following format. The available endpoints are classified into two groups — one for querying datasets from the Key Indicators Database, and the other for retrieving relevant metadata.

Dataset endpointv3

SDMX queries for this database consist of the following URL structure:

  • Dataflows are assigned thematic category/grouping per indicator.
  • The list of dataflows can be accessed using the dataflow endpoint.
  • The list of indicators under each dataflow can be accessed using the indicators codelist.
  • sdmx_keyFormat:
  • We use the value A (annual) for FREQUENCY
  • Dimensions should be separated by a period (.)
  • For each dimension, its values should be separated by the plus sign (+).
  • To return results for all relevant economies, use ALL as the economy code.
  • If for a particular dimension, no dimension value identifiers are specified, then all available values of this dimension will be returned.
  • To get the list of indicator keys and dimension values, refer to the downloadable metadata codelist and endpoints, described in the succeeding section .
  • optionalParametersstartPeriodSpecify the starting year of resulting data. From year 2000 onwards.
    endPeriodSpecify the ending year of resulting data. Up to year 2023.
    formatThe default format is SDMX-ML (XML). To get results in structure-specific or compact format, include format=compact.
    To view the results in SDMX-JSON format, include parameter output_format=JSON
    To view the results in SDMX-CSV format, include parameter output_format=CSV
    Page to be retrieved. If not specified, the first page will be shown
    Specify number of indicator series to be returned per page. If not specified, the default value of 25 indicator series per page will be shown.

    Metadata endpointsv3

    To view the metadata endpoints in standard JSON format, include the parameter at the end of the URL:   ?output_format=JSON


    Retrieves information of available dataflows

    Retrieves information and list of indicators under a specific dataflow

    Data Structure Definition (DSD)

    Retrieves the DSD for the KIDB dataset

    Concept Scheme

    Retrieves the concepts for the KIDB dataset

    Code List

    Retrieves the code lists for the KIDB dataset

    Download codelist in Excel spreadsheet format:

    About Key Indicators

    For more than 50 years, Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific has presented the latest data on economic, financial, social, and environmental development issues across Asia and the Pacific. It continues to act as a vital resource of data and statistics for policymakers, development practitioners, government officials, researchers, and students around the world.
    • KI2024 Launch Video

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