Who manages the Key Indicators Database?
The Key Indicators Database (KIDB) is maintained by the Statistics and Data Innovation Unit of the Economic Research and Development Impact Department within the Asian Development Bank (ADB), with the unit's staff serving as the focal points for, and administrators of, the database.
Where do the data sets come from?
The data sets within the KIDB are generally sourced from the member economies of ADB. The agencies that contribute data sets are the central banks, ministries of finance, and national statistics offices from within these various economies.
There are some data sets in the KIDB from international agencies such as the United Nations and its associated organizations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the International Labour Organization, and the World Bank. For example, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations provides data for agricultural production indexes, while data sets on the direction of trade, exchange rates, and international reserves are from the IMF. External indebtedness data are sourced from the World Bank.
Some data from international agencies are not publicly available via the KIDB, but there are ongoing efforts to gain permission from the original sources to house these data within the database. Nevertheless, these source data have been used to present the statistics in the economy and regional tables.
Regional Members
What are the technical specifications required for using the Key Indicators Database?
The Key Indicators Database is designed to support a wide variety of computers and mobile devices, and works best with the following specifications.
For desktop computers:
- Browser: Google Chrome (ver. 75 or later), Apple Safari (version 11 or later), Microsoft Edge (version 15 or later), or Mozilla Firefox (version 62 or later)
- Screen resolution: 1366x768 or higher
- Stable Internet connection
For smartphones and tablets:
- Operating system: Apple iOS 12 or later, or Android 6.x or later
- Browser: iOS Safari or Google Chrome
- Screen size: 375 x 667 points or higher
- Stable Internet connection