Survey Methods

Collection of data from individuals, households, and establishments through structured questionnaires or interviews. Can be conducted in various formats, such as the traditional pen-and-paper interviewing or computer-assisted interviewing (e.g., face-to-face interview using an electronic device, phone interview, or web interviews). Surveys are commonly used to gather demographic information, socioeconomic status, or perspective from a target group.

CSPro for Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)

Through the questionnaire design and implementation for one of the leading CAPI platforms, CSPro or Census and Survey Processing System. CSPro is a free software package developed by the US Census Bureau, primarily for the editing, processing, and dissemination of census and survey data.

Survey Solutions for Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing

 Through the questionnaire design and implementation for one of the leading CAPI platforms, Survey Solutions. Survey Solutions is a free software package developed by the World Bank to assist governments, national statistics offices, and non-governmental organizations in implementing advanced surveys using mobile devices. Survey Solutions has been used notably by the World Bank in the conduct of the Living Standards Measurement Survey. The software is easy to use and is capable of tailor-fitting questionnaires to specific needs––from simple questionnaires to more sophisticated ones that involve multistage panels. 

Advanced Survey Solutions for Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing

 The topics and lectures based on the recent updates in Survey Solutions, furthering their advanced learning of the platform. This course is an advanced offering to our flagship online Survey Solutions course. By the end of the course, students will have gained the ability to use advanced techniques, such as enabling or validation conditions among others. Students will also learn about validating global positioning system coordinates, advanced methods of setting up dates, as well as other upgraded features of Survey Solutions. 

About Key Indicators

For more than 50 years, Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific has presented the latest data on economic, financial, social, and environmental development issues across Asia and the Pacific. It continues to act as a vital resource of data and statistics for policymakers, development practitioners, government officials, researchers, and students around the world.
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