ERDD Knowledge Products

Annual publications; technical studies on building, strengthening, and improving the statistical systems and services of member countries; working papers; journal articles; and blogs.

Flagship Publications

ERDD’s annual ADB flagship publication is the Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific, which features ADB’s data leadership in economic, sector, and thematic areas, aligned with Strategy 2030 priorities.

Statistical Compendium

Basic Statistics provides a brief overview of ADB regional members in figures.

Technical Studies

Publications showcasing knowledge from ADB’s operations, policy support, and advisory work, featuring in-depth analysis of current issues. These studies offer insights backed by data, research, and technical expertise.

Journal Articles

A series of high-quality and peer-reviewed papers. These papers are usually commented by at least two external referees and contributions invited from external scholars and researchers.

About Key Indicators

For more than 50 years, Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific has presented the latest data on economic, financial, social, and environmental development issues across Asia and the Pacific. It continues to act as a vital resource of data and statistics for policymakers, development practitioners, government officials, researchers, and students around the world.
  • KI2024 Launch Video

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