
Statistical Contacts

The preparation and publication of Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2024 would not have been possible without the support, assistance, and cooperation of statistical partners in Asian Development Bank member economies throughout the Asia and Pacific region, along with the invaluable contributions of international, private, and nongovernment organizations. These partners—who share their data, knowledge, expertise, and other information—help provide the Asian Development Bank, policymakers, and other data users with a better understanding of the performance of economies across the region, encouraging the design, formulation, and monitoring of better policies to improve the quality of life for people in this part of the world.

Regional Member Economies

International Organizations

Note: ADB placed on hold its assistance in Afghanistan effective 15 August 2021 ( and in Myanmar effective 1 February 2021 ( ADB did not make any consultations with either Afghanistan or Myanmar for the data in this publication.

About Key Indicators

For more than 50 years, Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific has presented the latest data on economic, financial, social, and environmental development issues across Asia and the Pacific. It continues to act as a vital resource of data and statistics for policymakers, development practitioners, government officials, researchers, and students around the world.
  • KI2024 Launch Video

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