Having a specific climate change statistics program may deliver more optimal use of resources
Having a national climate change statistics plan can help NSOs and other agencies optimize their resources by prioritizing indicators based on actual demand for climate related data. A detailed climate change statistics plan may also provide information on which data are already being collected by organizations outside the national statistical system, in turn helping to forge data-sharing partnerships and avoiding duplication of data collection efforts. Furthermore, a national climate change statistics plan that provides specific recommendations on how to strengthen coordination across stakeholders may result in enhanced use of resources and expertise, as indicated for general national statistics plans.
However, the survey of NSOs conducted by ADB shows that only 13 of the 29 economies who responded had a climate change component integrated into their national statistics plan and four economies had a simple approach listing climate change indicators for compilation. Among SIDS, only four economies had either an integrated climate change component or an independent climate change statistics program.