Data Stories

This is expected to increase, with 80% of anticipated growth in coal demand coming from Asia and the Pacific. 

The Asia and Pacific region presently contributes more than 50% of the world’s heat-trapping GHG emissions, a figure that is expected to rise given that 80% of anticipated growth in coal demand will originate from the region. This reliance on coal is compounded by increasing energy demands driven by rapid industrialization and economic growth. As the region continues to develop, the challenge lies in balancing this growth with sustainable practices. 
National accounting on GHG emissions reveals disparate levels of emissions when economies of Asia and the Pacific are grouped by income. High-income economies remained the leading emitters in 2022, although their emissions have generally been declining since about 2012. Conversely, lower middle-income economies have seen their emissions rise substantially since the early 2000s. The per capita GHG emissions from high-income and upper middle-income economies significantly surpassed those of lower-income groupings for 2022. 

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Per Capita by Economy Income Grouping, 1970–2022

Higher-income economies continue to far exceed their poorer neighbors for greenhouse gas emissions per capita.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Per Capita by Economy Income Grouping, 1970–2022
Note: Economies are grouped by income according to World Bank classifications for Fiscal Year 2024.
Source: European Commission. EDGAR: Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research. (accessed 10 April 2024)

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